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Resolving No Hot Water in the Kitchen Sink: No More Cold Showers

You might have installed the faucet in your kitchen, which can produce both normal and hot water. There are several benefits of using the hot water tap in your kitchen, which is why many people intend to use it. If there is no hot water in kitchen sink, then it might be due to several causes. This article is all about this issue, and you should be able to figure out what is the reason behind the problem after you finish reading. 

If you don’t have a hot water tap in your kitchen, it is high time to get one since this can prevent several day-to-day problems you face. You can clean the fruits and vegetables using slightly heated water, as it will help remove all the dirt and make them fresh without much effort. If you are manually cleaning the dishes, then for better cleansing, hot water will be a great option as it can remove oil and stains.

Is Using Hot Water in the Kitchen Sink Helpful?

Yeah. There is a bucketful of pros to using a kitchen sink with hot water. You can instantly get hot water from the faucet, saving time and water as it will take a long to heat water in an electric kettle or on the stovetop. When heating using these appliances, you will collect water more than the required amount hence getting hot water from the faucet will help you save water bills.

So, considering such benefits, people like to use the hot water tap in their kitchen sink. Safety is an important aspect you must consider when installing the hot water tap. Modern faucets have a built-in safety feature, which will help to prevent injuries.

Since there are various types of hot water taps available, you must consider the pro and cons of the item when purchasing one for your kitchen. Suppose you are already using a hot water faucet in the kitchen, then you might know how useful this appliance is. This blog will significantly focus on the kitchen sink not getting hot water and the possible causes. 

Why There is No Hot Water in Kitchen Sink?

Here are the main reasons why your kitchen sink doesn’t help you get hot water. 


One of the causes of the lack of hot water supply in your kitchen sink might be the block in the valve. This happens mainly when using hard water from the well or poor-quality water. Due to mineral buildup in the water, the hot water valve might get blocked, causing low flow.

To sort out this issue, you can check on it by yourself. If the block is due to food particles, by removing it, you can solve the problem. If there is any intensive block, you might have to change the hot water valve. It is better to call a professional to fix the problem in such a situation.

Heating Element Malfunctioning

If you don’t notice any block or other related issues interrupting the hot water supply, then this might also be because of certain malfunctioning components.

To find which element is faulty and fails to perform adequately, you must inspect all the components thoroughly. By detecting the faulty heating element, you can try fixing the issue or replacing the component to make it function as usual.

Rust or Corrosion in the Heater

If you witness rust or corrosion in the heater, then this might also cause a lack of hot water in the kitchen sink, or sometimes it would take a long time to get the heated water. If you notice this issue in the early stage, you can sort it out by cleaning the rust.

In contrast, if the situation is worse and you observe leaks in the faucet, you will have to replace the relevant component to fix the issue. You might also notice corrosion in the pipes, hoses, and valves hence check on these places too.

You can remove this rust or corrosion by using home remedies such as cleaning the affected elements with lemon juice and salt. Treating the element using baking soda can also be a good option.

Rust or Corrosion in the Heater

Blockage in the Water Line

In rare cases, you will not get a proper hot water supply in the sink due to water line blockage. Although this is not very common, your water line can get blocked gradually due to corrosion or mineral buildup. Most households that use hard water for domestic purposes will encounter such issues.

Hence to sort out this problem, it is better to call a plumber who will know to handle the issue correctly. Suppose you aren’t sure whether the issue is due to the water line blockage, then you can confirm it by turning off the cold-water supply. Then try turning on the hot water.

If you are getting hot water, the issue will not be due to this reason. On the other hand, if you don’t get hot water, you will have to check on the waterline since the blockages in that will be the reason. A plumber will safely eliminate such clogs and solve the problem.

Cartridge Issues

Mostly the cartridge will be inside the faucet, which will help control the flow of cold or hot water supply through the faucet. After prolonged usage, similar to many other elements, the cartridge in your faucet might also get clogged.

Since the water flow is blocked, you will observe that no hot water will flow through the faucet. Hence in such a situation, you will need to turn off the water supply and try cleaning the cartridge to fix the issue.

This happens mainly due to mineral buildup. So, to prevent this problem, the best option is to use a water supplier since a high quantity of minerals in the hard water will not be good for your health.

These are some causes of insufficient hot water supply through your kitchen faucet. As already mentioned above, if you want to prevent hard water deposit issues, then it is better to use a water softener. You can also try cleaning such deposits using warm water and white vinegar.

Please have a look at this video as well. 

VIDEO CREDITS: steven lavimoniere YouTube Channel 

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