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Ants vs Sevin Dust: Examining the Effectiveness of this Pest Control Method

In hot summer days of the year, the ants also show active participation in your backyards. If you are irritated with the ants who wander around your garden harming your precious plantations, then you must have been looking for a way to get rid of the trouble created by those tiny creatures. Does Sevin dust kill ants, should be a probable question you come across when selecting a pesticide when you are fed up with those annoying ants. 

Ants are often spreading with the summer temperatures and often invade yards as they find better shelter and enormous food sources. Sometimes you could barely notice that a whole colony has been established under your outdoor decks! The biting of ants will be serious for some people as they cause allergic responses and spread a vast range of bacteria, creating a higher percentage of food poisoning occurrence.

Some species, like carpenter ants, would destroy your valuable outdoor wooden furniture and even your wooden floorings. Therefore, it is cautious when you use an insecticide once you have identified an ant attack in your backyard.

Does Sevin Dust Kill Ants?

Sevin dust is a ready-made pesticide that is on the market that you can use without changing its concentration by adding water. The main chemical composition is from zeta-cypermethrin and bifenthrin.

Zeta-cypermethrin contacts the stomach of insects and immediately causes death. This chemical can be seen in the use of getting rid of several insects, including ants, beetles and Lepidoptera, for instance. Bifenthrin is an artificially innovated pyrethroid. Pyrethrin is the natural form of this genre which can be seen in chrysanthemums. Bifenthrin directly affects the nerve cells and causes malfunctioning and damage when contacted with insects. 

With all the chemical formulas explained in the above passage, you should have felt the sense of a positive answer to the question, does Sevin dust kill ants. For the relief of many households irritated by thousands of ants who destroy your plants or various structures of the garden, Sevin dust is created as an effective participant in killing ants. It presents the ability to stay in the soil for about three months when applied in the recommended way. 

How to Use Sevin Dust to Kill Ants?

  • The first thing is to identify the nests and the colonies where the ants live in your garden.
  • You must choose the correct time to apply Sevin dust. It would be better if you chose early morning or an evening which is sunny and not windy or rainy. You can always check the weather forecast for the assumptions. Because this powdered pesticide losses its effectiveness when exposed to water. And also, the rain and wind will take away the chemical from the treated grounds. Therefore, make sure that the past few days are sunny and the grounds are dry enough. 
  • Then it would help if you got safety precautions when using Sevin dust. Do not forget to wear gloves and masks or a face shield to cover the areas that has the highest possibility of getting contacted with the chemical. This will also prevent the chemicals from entering the body via the respiratory and digestive systems.
  • Now you can spread Sevin dust, not exceeding the amount of two tablespoons, near the grounds that you identified earlier. 
  • Make sure you spread the chemical two feet from the main entrance to prevent the ants from escaping via a new path.
  • If there are plants which have been invaded by ants, spread a layer of Sevin dust around the plant and always make sure not to exceed the recommended amount per one-time usage. 
  • You can also use fewer amounts on plant branches and stem if there are ants in those places. 
  • Sevin dust is not recommended for safe use indoors. But if you are facing any ant- troubles in your kitchen or anywhere inside the house, you can spread the Sevin dust chemical around the outer foundation of your house. This will prevent ants from entering the food source that they used to stole from. 
  • It would help if you kept patience for the results. After a few weeks of the application, you could see the result. This takes such considerable time to kill the ants because the activation is done when the chemicals have been entered inside the ant’s body.
  • If you use Sevin dust 5%, make sure you do not change the concentration by adding water. 
  • Avoid contact of children and pets with the treated area. Always should warn the others who keep daily contact in the yards.
  • Do not use SSevin spray in the lawns because it can harm the grass maintained there.

What are the Places Where You Should not Apply Sevin Dust?

Sevin dust is strictly prohibited in using inside your house. This includes places like kitchens, beds, chairs or sofas, pets, and vehicles. 

Sevin dust contains a highly toxic chemical named, Carbaryl. This can be toxic to pets and even humans. 

What are the Places Where You Should not Apply Sevin Dust?

What Should You Do When Sevin Dust Comes in Contact with the Human Body?

When someone accidentally inhales Sevin dust, you must take measures to remove the person from the affected area to a fresh-aired atmosphere and call for immediate medical aid. 

When you drop Sevin dust on the skin, wash it with water and soap several times. For certain people, it will result in skin irritations. Therefore, you must seek medical advice when in this type of incident. 

If this chemical is contacted with the eyes, wash the eyes with water for a few minutes and meet your doctor straight away. 

If entered into the digestive system, rinse the mouth and go for the medical aids directly. Most importantly, do not try to make the person vomit unless you receive medical advice to do so. 


Sevin dust is an effective pesticide that is fruitfully participating in destroying over 100 species, including ants. There are certain measures that you should follow when using the chemical within your garden limits. We have discussed all the steps in detail here in this article. 

Watch This Video,

VIDEO CREDITS:  GardenTech YouTube Channel 

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